Thursday 8 December 2022

File Extension

File ExtensionFile Type
.AIFF or .AIFAudio Interchange File Format
.AUBasic Audio
.AVIMultimedia Audio/Video
.BATPC batch file
.BMPWindows BitMap
.CLASS or .JAVAJava files
.CSVComma separated, variable length file (Open in Excel)
.DBFdbase II, III, IV data
.DIFData Interchange format
.DOC or .DOCXMicrosoft Word for Windows/Word97
.EPSEncapsulated PostScript
.EXEPC Application
.FM3Filemaker Pro databases (the numbers following represent the version #)
.GIFGraphics Interchange Format
.HQXMacintosh BinHex
.HTM or .HTMLWeb page source text
.JPG or JPEGJPEG graphic
.MAPWeb page imagemap
.MDBMS Access database
.MID or .MIDIMIDI sound
.MOV or .QTQuickTime Audio/Video
.MTB or .MTWMiniTab
.PDFAcrobat -Portable document format
PageMaker (the numbers following represent the version #) P=publication, T=template
.PNGPortable Network Graphics
.PPT or .PPTXPowerPoint
.PSDAdobe PhotoShop
.PSPPaintShop Pro
.RTFRich Text Format
.SITStuffit Compressed Archive
.TARUNIX TAR Compressed Archive
.TIFTIFF graphic
.TXTASCII text (Mac text does not contain line feeds--use DOS Washer Utility to fix)
.WAVWindows sound
.WK3Lotus 1-2-3 (the numbers following represent the version #)
.WKSMS Works
WPD or .WP5WordPerfect (the numbers following represent the version #)
.XLS or .XLSXExcel spreadsheet
.ZIPPC Zip Compressed Archive

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